We are announcing some important news that involves your medical and vision coverage.
Although the network for medical and vision will remain with Anthem, and your Rx will remain with Costco and OptiMed for Specialty Rx, the Claims Administrator processing your medical and vision claims will be changing. Northwestern Ohio Administrators (NOA) will be replacing American Benefits Corporation (ABC), effective March 1, 2025. They will also be administering the HRA Benny Card program.
To facilitate this change, NOA must issue a new combined medical, vision, and prescription ID card. This will be arriving the week of February 10th so be on the lookout for your new ID card. Please note your new Anthem ID card will be updated to include the lowered Deductibles and Out of Pocket (OOP) limits that went into effect on January 1, 2025. It is important to use this new card beginning March 1, 2025.
Your current Anthem ID card will no longer be valid after February 28, 2025. You will need to use your new card for any appointments or prescriptions.
NOA will also be issuing a new HRA Benny card to you. Please be on the lookout for your new HRA Benny card arriving from WEX that will go into effect on March 1, 2025. Once you receive the new card, please destroy your current card as it will no longer work. While the new HRA Benny Cards are being issued and implemented, there will be a blackout period during which you will be unable to use your current HRA Benny card. Specifics on the actual dates of the blackout period will be announced shortly. If you pay any qualified medical expenses out of pocket during the blackout period, please keep your receipt and contact NOA, they will send you a manual reimbursement form to complete.
You should have received your new Delta Dental ID card in December. Please make sure that you have this new card and that you provide it to your Dental Provider for any appointments after January 1, 2025. If you did not receive your new Delta Dental ID card, we will get one ordered for you.
- NOA: at (419) 248-2401, toll free at (800) 432-2924, or by email at plumbers42@nwoadm.com for HRA or claim specific questions.
- Local 42 Health Benefits Center: (888) 536-0655 for general questions or for information about your enrollment.
- Fund Office: at (419) 492-3030 for eligibility or any other questions related to the transition.
- Dental: Delta Dental of Ohio (800) 524-0149 for dental specific questions.
- Vision: Anthem Blue View Vision (866) 723-0515 for vision specific questions.
- Rx: Costco Health Solutions (CHS) (877) 908-6024 for prescription specific questions.
- Specialty Rx: OptiMed (877) 884-0998 for specialty Rx or infusion services.
Board of Trustees
Local 42 Health & Welfare Plan